Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-01-13 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

2006-01-13                     Senate Journal                      Page 1889
SB 228                                                                                            
SENATE BILL NO. 228 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                                                   
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                                               
          "An Act making appropriations for the operating and                                       
          loan program expenses of state government, for                                            
          certain programs, and to capitalize funds; making                                         
          appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution                                    
          of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget                                    
          reserve fund; and providing for an effective date."                                       
was read the first time and referred to the Finance Committee.                                      
Governor's transmittal letter dated January 11, 2006:                                               
Dear President Stevens:                                                                             
The operating budget bill delivered today contains my proposal for the                              
2007 fiscal year.                                                                                   
The proposed operating budget, combined with other spending                                         
proposals, reflect my administration's commitment to ensuring each                                  
Alaskan has the opportunity to fully participate in Alaska's bright                                 
future. At the same time, our proposals ensure that the state can                                   
continue to meet its obligations, especially to those most in need.                                 

2006-01-13                     Senate Journal                      Page 1890
Unlike the first two operating budgets of this administration in which                              
we cut $150 million in general funds and 473 positions, the Fiscal                                  
Year 2007 budget proposals reflect increases in four primary program                                
     K-12 support - $90 million                                                                   
     The increase, which requires passage of a statute, will bring per                              
     student funding to $5,352 from the current $4,919. Increased                                   
     funds will pay the $40 million in increased retirement system                                  
     costs, provide funds to meet the increased cost of day-to-day                                  
     operations, and enable further investment in helping students                                  
     University of Alaska - $42 million                                                           
     The Alaska Scholars program is a success story in keeping                                      
     Alaska's brightest at home. Over the last five years, 98 percent of                            
     Alaska Scholars that graduated from the University stayed in                                   
     Alaska. My proposed budget includes $5 million to expand this                                  
     program to the top 15 percent from the current top 10 percent of                               
     Alaska's high school graduates.                                                                
     Other increased investment in the University includes continuing                               
     programs that address high demand careers, such as in health and                               
     teaching, and establishing a competitive university research                                   
     program that capitalizes on Alaska's geographic advantages.                                    
     Medicaid - $104 million                                                                      
     Additional funds will meet this formula-based program's                                        
     requirements due to increased caseloads and costs. Another $45                                 
     million of the increase is due to the federal government's                                     
     disapproval of the FairShare program that was put in place under                               
     the last administration. The program allowed Tribal hospitals to                               
     receive a higher reimbursement rate than non-Tribal hospitals for                              
     uncompensated care.                                                                            
     Transportation - $42 million                                                                 
     We again propose to increase funding for maintenance of the                                    
     state's highways, airports, and harbors. Some of this is to cover                              
     increased  costs  of  commodities  and  fuel.   In  addition,  we  are                         

2006-01-13                     Senate Journal                      Page 1891
     proposing additional funding for the Alaska Marine Highway                                     
     System to cover increased fuel costs and staffing to meet                                      
     increased ports of call.                                                                       
Another major increase is $65 million for state employee salary and                                 
benefit costs. Over half of the amount ($34 million) is to pay the                                  
increased retirement system contribution.                                                           
Our administration's Fiscal Year 2007 operating budget and other                                    
proposals are investments in Alaska's future that will help create the                              
kind of Alaska in which Alaskans can fulfill their tremendous potential                             
and achieve their dreams. By our working together on what I believe                                 
to be a shared vision for the future, it will mean every Alaskan can                                
have hope for what the future will bring, instead of simply hoping for                              
a future.                                                                                           
To these ends, I look forward to working with the Legislature.                                      
Sincerely yours,                                                                                    
Frank H. Murkowski                                                                                  